Water Museum of Lleida: Water Deposit

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Updated: 05/28/2024

Carrer de Múrcia, 10
25002 Lleida



Maria Domènech Nadal

Tècnica del Departament d’Audiovisuals – Regidoria Ciutat i Cultura

(+34) 973 700 393  · ext. 1753 


Old underground water tank, built in the late eighteenth century, which distributed drinking water to the city through six fountains. The water inlets, the exit, the spillway and the vent are preserved.

It consists of a large hall measuring 30 by 30 metres, with 25 pillars supporting the vaults. The height is 10 meters.

It is a very suggestive space, but because it is well protected it has some limitations, such as a limited capacity of 35 people. Being underground there are water leaks, which means that the ground is always wet.